Released | Mar 31st, 2001 |
Running Time | 146 |
Director | Pierre Woodman |
Company | Private U.S.A. |
Cast | Reda, Andy (I), Asian Shay, Niki Blond, Angelica Sweet, Monica (I), Katy (I), Zoltan, Adrienne, Ian Scott, Pascal St. James, Ann Kiray, Carla, Mephisto, Suzan Strong, Sharon Bright, David Perry, James Brossman |
Critical Rating | AAA 1/2 |
Genre | All-Sex |
This is the third installment of some multi-generational angst-fest about star-crossed lovers who may or may not be brother and sister. Apparently the boy's mom (Suzan Strong, who is, by the way, a fucking knockout), was a real slut in her younger days and thus, she schtupped a man who may be father to both kids. She doesn't really know who the father of her son is. Hilarity ensues.
Most of the tape is flashbacks by the mom about her and her roommate's sexual escapades. She provides these to the girl she's trying to dissuade from marrying her son (can you say "inappropriate"?)
You get your money's worth with the long running time and high production values, but the dubbing ruins the tape to some extent. Either leave the original dialogue and provide an English narration to keep us up on the plot points, or subtitle it. This is a big production otherwise, and it's marred by dubbing that would embarrass the ADR guys at Toho Studios. Dubbing sucks, especially in sex scenes.