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Pole Katz (DVD>

Pole Katz (DVD>

Released Nov 30th, 2004
Running Time 40
Director Bill Del Riego
Company Puss 'N Bootz Productions
Cast Kelly Meade, Carine Ozias
Critical Rating Not Yet Rated
Genre Alternative



Buy it for the wife and go get a bunch of singles.


For the woman who dreams of being a pole dancer, or for the pole dancer who dreams of being a better pole dancer, Pole Katz 101 is just the thing. Hosted by dancers Kelly Meade and Carine Ozias, this release offers a step-by-step, easy to follow tutorial in all those crazy twirly-whirly, upside down pole antics you always see strippers doing. Starting out, naturally, with the simplest move of all, "The Fairy," Meade and Ozias demonstrate one trick after another, gradually progressing to the most challenging (and dangerous, they're very careful to point out) "Chopper," involving flipping upside down on the poll and spiraling downward with the legs spread. Nifty.

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