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In Thrust We Trust

In Thrust We Trust

Released Feb 01st, 1989
Running Time 120
Director Dwight Antoine
Company Black Forest Productions
Cast Nathaniel Kent, Gene Le Mar, Randy Cochran, Joseph Log
Critical Rating AAA 1/2
Genre Feature



This tale of a politician who is converted from advocacy of censorship to champion of free speech is a delightful fantasy that one wishes would become reality. Paul Hansen plays the lead with determination if not with inspiration and the supporting cast is consistently good- especially the always dependable Randy Cochran. Director Dwight Antoine has a real eye (and ear) for erotica as well as comedy and political satire.

The plot centers on a fairy (Feathers) who "curses" the politician by making him irresistible to all who see his hidden assets. While the poor man is jogging, he is pursued by a ravenous group of men and women who happen to spy his outhang. His other "conquests" include his own staff, a pair of clumsy burglars and two cops.

You really get  your money's worth with this two-hour tape, which has exceptionally fine production values throughout. The only flaw I see is in the editing, which is at times right on and a times a little lax. Tighten this baby up and you have a four-star classic.

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