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Released Oct 01st, 1998
Running Time 62
Company FM Concepts
Cast Juliette Waters, Kalani, Amara, Adrina, Rebecca Sanders, Anita (I), Jocelyn Shiraz, Kelsie Chambers, Kathy Douglas, Samantha McCray, Michelle Yamada, Jenufa, April Ericson
Critical Rating AAA 1/2
Genre Specialty



Stock and recommend to your customers with a serious ped predilection.


Long, Languorous shots of delicate ankles and arches, soft, rounded heels, and dainty toes. Welcome to Foot Worship 101!

Take a voyeuristic view as the assortment of lovely ladies repose, wiggling their metatarsals with sprightly glee at the camera. Close-ups of perfectly-manicured hands rubbing baby oil onto the succulent bottoms of equally-perfect pedicured arches, easing fingers between each shrimp-like toe, is maddeningly erotic, even for those who normally aren't foot devotees. While there is no hardcore sex anywhere in the video, the verbal tease ("I love a man to run his tongue between my toes," purrs Samantha, a Janine look-alike, in her whisky voice; "It feels so good to take off those high heels I was running around on all day," coos Kelsie), stimulates that ol' gray matter to run amok with synapsal fantasies galore. This should send the dyed-in-the-wool foot fetishist over the top.

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