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Black College Video Virgins 2

Black College Video Virgins 2

Released Sep 01st, 2002
Running Time 77
Director Jack Pearl
Company Astral Ocean Cinema
Cast Velvet (I), Mercy, Others, Whitney (I), Siena (I), Alaza
Critical Rating AAA
Genre Pro-Am



Not a horrible offering for ethnic amateur fans, but not the best either. Stock accordingly.


Mostly standard fare, featuring newbie nervous amateurs. The pretty girl in the opening does a little half-hearted masturbation, and looks overly bored as Jack Pearl injects himself in the scene for a blowjob followed by a facial. One might think once would be enough, but you'd be wrong. She makes a comeback in the third scene for much of the same, with a little doggie-style thrown in to mix things up.

Whitney is a dish, but unfortunately her scene never picks up steam thanks to her unwavering gaze into the camera, and then her disinterest in Pearl's prick. Luckily, Alaza is into her self-lovin', and is able to pull off a convincing fake when Pearl joins in on the fun. The rest is pretty much lather, rinse repeat.

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