Released | Dec 31st, 1986 |
Running Time | 84 |
Director | Bob Vosse |
Company | Venus 99 |
Cast | Jon Martin, Jerry Butler, Jeannie Pepper, Buck Adams, Gayle Sterling, Rene Lovins, Billy Dee |
Critical Rating | AA 1/2 |
Genre | Feature |
If it weren't for some high-voltage interracial sex, this otherwise pedestrian production would have turned into an ad-libbed atrocity that would've been painful to sit through.
Jeannie Pepperis Sheila, a not-to-bright barmaid who gets used by her boss before he takes off for Vegas and some gambling action. A promise of a trip to Sin City is all she needs to jump into the action with Billy Dee, who leaves her behind to plot her revenge for being taken advantage of. She decides that the only way to get even is to throw a party at his bar and let her friends have sex in his Jaguar. She and Gayle Sterling enlist the aid of Rene Lovins, who is eager to get into some hot lesbian action with the other two, only to be interrupted by Jerry Butler and Buck Adams. Pepper and Adams split, leaving Jerry to have a sweaty three-way with the other two. Jerry gets so turned on he can barely control himself, making for the best sex scene in the tape.
The photography is first rate, never leaving you looking at elbows and knees, and the cast seems to have a fair share of sexual energy. The plot falls way short of being believable and sometimes even tolerable, but it's saved by several hot sex scenes. Sterling and Martin turn a lazy encounter in the backseat of the Jag into a smoldering hymn to automotive sex after Martin reaches full arousal. Pepper is used a lot here (four sex scenes) and never seems to tire. She even gets it on with Butler after she's already turned the place into a shambles. The story ends with a long pan of San Francisco that seems to say this was just one of the many stories in the Big City. Let's hope the other stories are a little more interesting.