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Real Girls Like She-Males 2

Real Girls Like She-Males 2

Released Sep 30th, 2006
Running Time 86
Company Caffe Italia
Cast Andrea Benetti, Karol Bonkar, Pierre Rubens, Gabriel Montoia, Leonardo De Luca, Sara Shiva, Alessia Olive, Paulo Benetti
Critical Rating AAA
Genre Specialty



It's true that a lot of "real" girls like she-males, but only one of them shows up on this release, although there are three sex scenes.

That scene starts the video off and tells the tale of a female photographer who gets swept up in the sexual energy of a photo shoot starring a highly passable she-male and her hairless and muscular male companion. Later, a man driving an RV pulls over so he can get a little action from his she-male girlfriend inside a big bathroom with a Jacuzzi tub.

A reunited couple make up for lost time apart, and a man enjoying a little solo time gets a happy finish when his she-male lover returns home. Ten minutes of uncredited behind the scenes footage shows the performers having a good time even when they're not fucking.

Retailing: More a general-purpose she-male recommendation than one having anything to do with the title.

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