Released | Jun 01st, 1987 |
Running Time | 80 |
Director | Robert McCallum |
Company | Essex Video |
Cast | Jon Martin, Jeanna Fine, Hersctiel Savage, Nina Hartley, Scott Irish, Randy West |
Critical Rating | AAA |
Genre | Feature |
When a lawyer (Scott Irish) burns out from one too many legal briefs, what's he to do? Well, if he heeds the advice from his buddy, Jon Martin, he finds a "nice little girl and fills her full of the juice." But remember, this is a couples' video, and you can't go around doing things like that. So Irish rejoins: "I don't want a whore, I want a lover." Give the boy a gold star.
So where does Martin take Irish shopping? The local singles' bar. You don't go looking for bay scallops in the ocean.
Private Encounters is trying to convey that deep within everyone is a romantic soul. Only with some, it's a little more hidden than others. As it stands, Encounters makes some interesting character distinctions. The romance seekers are the good guys (Irish, Jeanna Fine, Randy West, Dina De Ville). They have nice, clean safe sex. Everyone else is a pig-slut (Martin, Herschel Savage, Brooke West). The pigs have more fun. Witness Brooke West, a lean sexual blonde animal who enjoys rip "em apart trysts with Savage and Martin. No romance is lost or wasted on these episodes. West moans like a wounded tigress and is just as ferocious in her desk top .dalliances.
Nina Hartley bridges an interesting gap, though somewhat relegated to a cameo role. She's the Norwegian Heidi: "Ya, Hallo, I'm Norwegian .. . everytink's like dis over dere." Heidi's the grand seeker of the ultimate climax, but she'll settle for love and a two-car garage.