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Precious Peaks

Precious Peaks

Released Feb 28th, 1991
Running Time 74
Director Henri Pachard
Company Zane Entertainment Group
Cast Tom Byron, Bobbi Lee, Joey Silvera, Marc Wallice, Randy West, Taylor Wane, Brittany (I), Raven (I)
Critical Rating AA 1/2
Genre Feature



The generally high batting average of director Henri Pachard takes a slight dip with this uninvolving, perfunctory feature that could just have easily have been called Knot’s Lusting or Darn Shadows for all its relation to the formerly-popular nighttime soaper. Some good scenes, including a pool table encounter between Randy West and Bobbi Lee and a different type of “pool party” with Joey Silvera and Raven, have the video starting off well before it slows a lack of scripting. The sexual energy that marks Pachard’s work is for the most part sadly lacking, although the concluding all-girl threesome is worth a look. A good beginning, a good ending and some uninteresting filler in between; if this is what the mean by titling this video Precious Peaks, then maybe there’s truth in advertising in the industry, after all.

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