Released | Feb 28th, 1991 |
Running Time | 74 |
Director | Henri Pachard |
Company | Zane Entertainment Group |
Cast | Tom Byron, Bobbi Lee, Joey Silvera, Marc Wallice, Randy West, Taylor Wane, Brittany (I), Raven (I) |
Critical Rating | AA 1/2 |
Genre | Feature |
The generally high batting average of director Henri Pachard takes a slight dip with this uninvolving, perfunctory feature that could just have easily have been called Knot’s Lusting or Darn Shadows for all its relation to the formerly-popular nighttime soaper. Some good scenes, including a pool table encounter between Randy West and Bobbi Lee and a different type of “pool party” with Joey Silvera and Raven, have the video starting off well before it slows a lack of scripting. The sexual energy that marks Pachard’s work is for the most part sadly lacking, although the concluding all-girl threesome is worth a look. A good beginning, a good ending and some uninteresting filler in between; if this is what the mean by titling this video Precious Peaks, then maybe there’s truth in advertising in the industry, after all.