Released | Sep 30th, 1999 |
Running Time | 82 |
Director | James Avalon |
Company | Cal Vista |
Distribution Company | Metro Distributors |
Cast | Summer Ray, Frank Towers, Gina Ryder, Syren, Coral Sands, Alexandra Nice, Mark Davis, Dee (I), Herschel Savage, Gwen Summers, Lola (I), Caroline Pierce, India (I) |
Critical Rating | Not Yet Rated |
Genre | Film |
Pink revolves around the various creations of XXX seamstress Ms. September, whose wares are worn by the lovelies enumerated in the credits. It is a lavish production, which showcases director James Avalon's generous directorial talents. Too bad, then, that it commits that cardinal sin which has fatally undermined so many other high-end porn productions - amid all of its lavish color and dazzling flash, it forgets that it's pornography.
The raison d'etre for any retail-bound pornographic work, from the sleaziest loop to the most inspired shot-on-film spectacular, is to provide visual stimulation toward orgasm, which will typically be self-inflicted, although of course not always -- hence couples porn. But we digress.
Pink, for all its visual punch (and despite what seem to have been some genuinely hot sexual performances by Dee and Mark Davis, Lola, India and Anthony Crane as well as Frank Towers and Syren), loses any and all erotic momentum through a too-busy editing style which, while perhaps at home in music videos, never allows the viewer's eye to settle anywhere long enough to… uhh, benefit from the on-screen fuckin', which is, after all, what pornography is finally about.
That Avalon is a director pushing the envelope of his medium is made plain here, but as always there is a price to be paid when form outstrips function, and in casting its erotic punch on the altar of its director's muse, Pink pays a weighty toll indeed.
Still, pre-nom this one's sound track, which takes rather strong cues from such diverse influences as the Red Hot Chili Peppers and Tom Waits.