Released | Jul 01st, 1993 |
Running Time | 80 |
Director | Frank Marino |
Company | Legend Video |
Cast | Tony Martino, Steve Drake, Cheyenne (I), Stephan Kramer, Melanie Moore, Deborah Wells |
Critical Rating | AA 1/2 |
Genre | Feature |
Fans of Kelly O'Dell will be attracted by the elegant boxcover, and pleased by her opening tryst with artist Steve Drake, who, after he crayons Kelly's portrait, glazes his model's face with a generous cumshot. It's all downhill from there, into another misguided attempt to mix portentous-ness with lighthearted satire, with enough lead in the dialogue to supply the Serbian artillery for a year. The premise is yet another rip-off of The Portrait of Dorian Gray, with Kelly as Dorian, whose picture doesn't age, but loses clothes, as her hypocrisy grows. Pretty much tossed in are the other sex scenes: first, a three-way with Melanie Moore, Stephan Kramer, and Deborah Wells. Kramer, a German stud, ties with Al Gore in the Charisma Bowl. The ensuing dialogue, with Kramer and Wells' accents, sounds like the visitors' day at the U.N. Melanie returns for a perfunctory girl/girler with Kelly; a pointless, unenergetic bout with Drake and Wells finishes it off. When Kelly tries to destroy the portrait and evaporates, Deborah says, "Where she's go?" I say, "Who we cares?"