Released | Jan 01st, 1998 |
Running Time | 85 |
Directors | Teri Diver, Tom Elliott |
Company | Video Team |
Cast | Peter North, Jill Kelly, Frank Towers, Eric Price, Erica Lockett, Brad Armstrong, Alexandra Silk, Herschel Savage, Julie Rage, Sharon Kane |
Critical Rating | AAA 1/2 |
Genre | Feature |
Jilly Kelly is suffering from a split-personality disorder trauma, and now blacks out every night only to awaken the next day feeling kinda sore and sticky. Ya gotta hate that.
At 9:00 each evening, we learn, Jill peruses her secret wig collection, chooses one, and goes out trolling for either pussy or schlong, depending on which personality is at the helm.
Kelly's opening butt-fuck with Brad Armstrong gets things off to an admirable start, and when she shit-talks her way through a bar-top d.p. a bit later on, we seem to be on our way to a barn-burning schizoid fuck fest.
But alas, the heat drops considerably whenever Kelly isn't on screen, and even her concluding schtupping of head-shrinker Kerschel Savage lacks any real fire.
Flawed though it may be, Persona is worth a look if only to catch a glimpse of the rough-and-ready work Kelly puts in when inspired by a putz in her posterior.