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Owner Gets Clipped

Owner Gets Clipped

Released Jun 30th, 2014
Running Time 119 Min.
Director Jim Powers
Company Smash Pictures
DVD Extras Behind the Scenes, Still Gallery(ies), Wall to Wall Option
Cast Mark Anthony (I), Jon Jon, Nina Hartley, Kyle Stone (straight), Yasmine de Leon, Harley Dean
Non-Sex Roles Rebecca Bardoux, Logan Pierce, Rose Red
Critical Rating AAAA
Genre Parody - Comedy




"I'm not a racist!" In a riveting tale of sex, power and money, a young gold digger upends a major professional sports league when she unveils audio recordings of her boyfriend, billionaire owner of the Los Angeles Clickers Dick Sperming's racist rant. The naughty little visor-wearing slut known as Z lets the recordings get out because Mr. Sperming's wife is filing a lawsuit to get back the millions her husband has spent on her. It's a wild tale as Mrs. Sperming starts fucking the players to exact her revenge. Poor Dick, his empire is spiraling out of control, he loses his team, his trophy, his wife, and all he cares about is black pussy.


The problems of "L.A. Clickers owner Dick Sperming," bracketed by "news" lead-ins by anchor Rose Red. Any resemblance to real persons or events is unavoidable.

In a nom-worthy performance, Kyle Stone plays the befuddled billionaire "Sperming," bothered by brown candies in his candy bowl and enraptured by Yasmine De Leon as the seductive "Z," stripping down to a G-string in his office as he grabs a tray of blue pills out of a desk drawer and gobbles a handful. In the scene that follows, "Sperming" needs them all to keep up with the lubricious "Z."

Sperming's wife "Roxy" (Nina Hartley) dips into the player pool, getting together with Jon Jon to show her appreciation of his ... work, in a lengthy scene that highlights the experienced performer uninhibitedly enjoying herself. To show that Z is an equal-opportunity type, we see her getting down with basketball player "Black Majic" (Mark Anthony), and after a TV interview where "Sperming" tries damage control, he gets together with a new young cutie, this time Harley Dean. For a finale, "Roxy" gets together with "Z" to see what impressed her husband in a May-December g/g including some flip-flop strap-on action.

Stone's comic chops are on display in his portrayal of "Sperming," making the usual fast-forward between-scenes interplay a highlight of the DVD, and Hartley is well presented in her two scenes.

The DVD can be viewed as an all-sex video as well.

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