Released | Aug 31st, 2004 |
Running Time | 76 |
Director | Robert Greenwald |
Company | Www.Outfoxed.Org |
Cast | Others, Sean Hannity |
Critical Rating | Not Yet Rated |
Genre | Alternative |
A couple of porn personalities, including Jenna Jameson and Adam Glasser/Seymore Butts have appeared on the Fox News Channel (FNC), even though none of its anchors give a clue that they've ever actually had sex, much less watched a porn movie, but there's more to life than porn - like, say, politics - and Robert Greenwald's Outfoxed takes on the question of whether one of the country's most-watched "news" channels actually delivers news - or is it mainly right-wing political posturing? Greenwald's got the answer, and within five minutes of watching this documentary - and despite FNC's very public negative reaction to the work - it's doubtful that any open-minded viewer will ever again buy FNC's claim to be "fair and balanced." (And they may not have to: and Common Cause are suing the station for using the claim as false advertising.)
Your customers need more than porn - and it'll only cost $9.95 to stock this one, so put it in full view until at least November 2.