Released | Oct 01st, 1991 |
Running Time | 90 |
Company | Something Weird Video |
Critical Rating | Not Yet Rated |
Genre | Alternative |
The homegrown video business has seen an amazing proliferation of mail order companies in recent years. Some are about as reliable as a babysitter with a goalie mask and machete. But, here's one mail order outfit whose service and goodwill you can take to the bank with confidence and certainty.
Something Weird has something for everybody, and they probably have the largest single catalogue of hard-to-find movies in mail order creatin β I know, because I've looked for some of these titles, a long, long time. They have horror classics, sword & sandal epics, sci-fi, cult TV series, etc., but I'm confining my comments for the moment to adult exploitation pics, because IO've had a number of reader inquiries regarding old nudie pics from the 1960s and where you can get them.
Here they are, folks. The company offers such lustrous gems as Adventures of Lucky Pierre, Boinng, Nature's Playmates and a host of others far too numerous to mention here. These prints are of excellent quality and are not to be confused with some of the third generation ripoffs you might find elsewhere. And later this year, you'll be able to get four treasured Dave Friedman flicks from the 1960s, unavailable elsewhere, including the classic The Defilerswhich I consider one of the best, if not the best, adult film of old time. But rather than have me go into all of this, get Something Weird's catalogue for $2.00. It's self-explanitory.
In addition to the full-length exploitation features, Something Weird has recently begun compiling "nudie" arcade loops (above boxcover illustration) from the cheesecake era. I've had a chance to examine the first five volumes in this new series and can attest, it's about the best single collection of girlie material you can obtain anywhere. The first volume in this series has some wonderful, high concept multi-girl film featurettes from the 1930s and 1940s that will put a glow on any collector's cheek.
This tape contains 26 complete segments (about the average number on each tape), and bears such wonderful, provocative titles as "Nautical Nudes," "The Old Swimming Pool," "Undercover Girl," "Stripped For Dipping", and "Without a Stitch". Each successive volume takes you further along the history and the development of this material to the late 1960s. There isn't a "dog" selection in the bunch and that's remarkable when you consider the number of loops involved.
What is a boon for the store owner, is the colorful, wraparound artwork that accompanies each boxcover β tasteful and perfect for shelf display.
I can't recommend this series or this company too highly. I've dealt with them as a customer for a number of years and found them to be extremely prompt with my orders.
Each tape in their catalogue sells for $20.00 β a wonderful bargain considering what you're getting. Please add $3.00 postage for the first tape and $1.50 for each additional tape. All videos are recorded on new, quality brand name tapes at SP mode.
(Source: Something Weird VideoΒΈ P.O. Box 33664, Seattle, WA 98155)