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The New Girl

The New Girl

Released Oct 23rd, 2017
Running Time 112 Min.
Director Uncredited
Company Digital Playground
Distribution Company Pulse Distribution
DVD Extras Still Gallery(ies), Trailer(s), Widescreen
Cast Danny D, Emma Butt, Alessandra Jane, Luke Hardy, Nicolette Shea
Critical Rating AAAA
Genre Foreign Feature



What do you do when you want to dump your husband and get a plump divorce settlement? Set him up with another woman and catch him cheating! Unless he already has a mistress—then you'll have to cut that bitch out too.


This British import includes an impressive amount of acting intermixed with hot British sex and humor. A cast limited to three women and a like number of men (including one older gent who does a fine non-sex appearance) get entangled with company intrigue, jealousy between a wife and hubby’s mistress, and the addition of a sexy wench to distract and do hubby. This culminates in an absorbing release where every performer gives 110 percent.

First the distraction: Alessandra Jane and her tight body and East Euro accent are about as sultry as one can desire. What she lacks in height—superbusty Nicolette Shea literally towers over her!—she makes up for in powers of seduction; she combines ease of acquisition with knowing what to do next with no need for prompting by her happy partners. She is a doll!

Shea, pretty much the central character of the mistress/office manager, is an overblown, unabashed living blonde and busty wet dream. Every move she makes and every sound she emits just oozes sex like a courtesan in heat, and she makes it clear her motivation is money first, followed closely by her desire for sex. Think of a blonde Jessica Rabbit who is both a parody and a caricature of herself—then stick a cock in her mouth. Also, Emma Butt is the no-nonsense wife who takes a break from conventionality to indulge in a threesome with Jane and friend.

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