Released | Jul 08th, 2008 |
Running Time | 91 Min. |
Director | Devlin Weed |
Companies | Notorious Productions, Notorious |
Distribution Company | Multimedia Pictures |
Cast | Devlin Weed, Tinker Belle, Cherry (I), Kandi Kream, Gorgeous |
Critical Rating | AAA |
Genre | Gonzo |
The first session with a 19-year-old named Gorgeous suffers from a lack of energy on the lady's part. She may be enjoying herself, but not even Weed seems to know it, as she barely utters a sound through the duration of the tryst. The scene with Kandi Kream is a playful one, and Kream is the most seasoned female performer of the bunch, but constant interruptions and amateur camerawork really hurt the action. There are two camera operators who constantly get in each other's way, and they both almost miss the cumshot. Thankfully, Tinker Belle salvages the entire production when she indulges in a passionate roll with Weed. It's a sublime sight as Belle's face turns bright red while Weed hammers her with aplomb.
Retailing: It's pure ethnic section padding.