Released | Aug 01st, 1994 |
Running Time | 60 |
Company | Video Sports Ltd. |
Critical Rating | Not Yet Rated |
Genre | Alternative |
Set in the squared circle, this wrestling vid pits Robin, a personal fitness trainer who has experience wrestling out of her weight class, against Nancy who goes about 20 pounds heavier than her opponent.
While the opening moments sound more like a Nutri Systems' commercial, the topless no-boobs barred match that follows is a high-intensive calorie burner. Though no gimmick wrestling holds like the Sharpshooter or the Razor's Edge populate this match, the action is a highly competitive for-real thing.
The match is divided into rounds which are divided into rest periods. In the post match wrap-up, loser Robin cops out to a handicapped elbow stemming from a funny bone injury.