Released | May 31st, 1994 |
Company | Unknown |
Critical Rating | AAA 1/2 |
Genre | Gonzo |
Now that veteran newsman Charles Kuralt has retired, someone's got to go on the road, and the XXX designees appear to be Seymore Butts and his sexually rapacious partner-in-crime, Shane. In this vid, among other ports of call, Seymore and Shane travel to Paris and Milan.
As the show opens, Butts and Shane have landed in Paris but their luggage is in Bordeaux (or is it the other way around?). It gets pretty intricate to explain as Seymore recreates at great length (too much great length) their mishaps, to me tune of a series of "meanwhile, back at the ranch"-type screen captions. ZZZZZZZZ. Talk about your expository statements.
Now, to the sexual business at hand. Don't expect major travelogue fodder here. Scenically, we get a brief peek at the Eiffel Tower, and the topography of Milan is pretty much reduced to a view from a hotel window sill which serves as a platform (quite literally) for Shane's tryst with a sexual superman named Roy. Fabulous scene, by the way.
Well-suited to the task at hand, Roy handles Shane as though he were fucking helium, bodily lifting her from the standing position, supporting her on his outstretched dick as though she were a bath towel with tits. Roy returns in an awkwardly executed threeway with blonde Anita and pony-tailed Frank (Shane joins in later in the proceedings as the fourth for bridge). I say awkward in the same sense that interesting camera coverage of a soccer match is practically fruitless. You never know where the ball is going to wind up. On the positive side, Anita does take it up the ass — from Roy.
Seymore and Shane board the Orient Express. At least they say they do — which would be a significant gesture for the blow job that follows. Sadly, Seymore elects to downplay this event to non-existence with the lack of a credentials-verifying shot. So, what could have been a landmark XXX achievement might have been, for all we know, lensed on the Lionel Express bound for Plasticville U.S.A. Hey, it's a Stanley & Livingstone thing, but you land of blew it, Seymore.
Back in the states, when an irresistible force meets an immovable object, you're likely as not to have a pairing between the kinetic Sabrina and the soporific Tony Martino (again, Shane jumps in). Butts, however, assiduously records this event in the living room of his new digs as though it were a revolutionary procedure in organ donation.
I suppose, the best being saved for last, Rosie (who sparkled in Seymore Butts Goes Nuts) returns to help Shane ravage Darren, an Archie Comic Book-type in a Las Vegas hotel room. Rosie, a great looking woman, and an ass man's dream, could very well have a video series devoted just to her. This tape's worth getting for that reason alone.