Released | Nov 01st, 1992 |
Running Time | 70 |
Company | LBO Entertainment Group |
Critical Rating | Not Yet Rated |
Genre | Pro-Am |
With titles like "Anal Antics" and "Hindsight Is Brownish", you'd think these latest entries in the successful Peepers series would be wall-to-wall butt banging, which is not entirely the case; yet neither will disappoint the viewer who appreciates "regular" sexvids. Rodney and Crystal are at it again in a session that starts off with an innocent game of frisbee by the beach, and ends up with Rod plunging madly into her forbidden hole. This section has a beautiful build up with lots of fingering and sucking before the final deed. Later, stay tuned for a British chap named Dick, who helps out his Yank mates by attending their bedroom party. Justin's girlfriend Alex (Jordan) is a real winner; it's obvious she can love two men at once and please them both to complete satisfaction.
As for Vol. 56 ... Veteran's Day may never have the same meaning again after you witness Sukoya bring a blind vet home for a charitable lunch. This ex-Marine comes on like D-Day as he penetrates her halls of Mountezuma deeper than a howitzer stuck in a foxhole! Be proud, be strong!
Romance isn't the likeliest word that springs to mind when you see Hollywood Boulevard in the '90's, but something clicks between a tiny sexpot that Max meets in the city of the angels. They share a pizza and hold hands ... but just when you think you're watching a karaoke video, she takes her prize upstairs and gives him the wildest ride he's likely to have for quite a while. Two fingers in the butt and she can't control herself, so Max takes the big plunge. Next time get her name and number, silly! Finally, British Dick is back again with two different babes in the same bed. He should have stuck with Justin & Alex because this date doesn't amount to much.