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More Dirty Debutantes

More Dirty Debutantes

Released Jun 30th, 2002
Running Time 132,140
Director Ed Powers
Company 4-Play Video
Cast Elizabeth (I), Cherry Rain, Terri Hendrix, Justin Time, Ed Powers, Dianne Howard, Heather Oaks, Azteca, Sheila (I), Layne
Critical Rating Not Yet Rated
Genre Pro-Am



Go with 217 if you\'re only getting one.


Vol. 216 starts with Judy Star and Cherry Rain jumping on the bed and getting together before they are joined by Justin Time. Get together they do, pleasuring each other with tongues and a double-header under the eyes of two video cameras and a stills cam, before turning their attentions to Justin. A spirited threeway follows, with everybody giving and getting pleasure.

Layne, 18, is up next in a one-on-one with Ed, followed by Dianne Howard, 19, who just had a baby and if that isn't enough to make her self-conscious, she has also never masturbated or sucked a cock. She meets her first Pocket Rocket (her smile noticeably widens when it makes contact) and takes, presumably, her first facial. Azteca, 21, makes a return trip first with Heather Oaks and then the two turn their attentions to Ed and Ed turns his attentions to Azteca, and just to complete the roundelay, Heather takes a strap-on to Azteca. Good if deliberately-paced stuff here, with instant-replay coverage of many of the pops.

Vol. 217 starts very strong with a playful scene with Heather Oaks and Cherry Rain and (apparently) nobody else in the room. It starts with very hot hand-held first person footage, then goes to subjective when the girls get farther into it. First-timer Elizabeth, 21, makes an impression on Ed, which one can tell when Ed asks her how old she is twice - and then confirms it a minute or so later. Jayne Diamond and her friend Sheila, both 18, chat and strip - invited to kiss, Jayne pulls away with a repulsed "Ewww!" - before Ed pairs up with Sheila, and then Jayne masturbates while Ed and Sheila kibitz. Jayne is initially disgusted by the condom-wrapped Pocket Rocket, but Sheila's "You'll like it" gets her to try it and she initially reacts with an "OH MY GOD!" and says, soon after, "I'm going to the store after this... This is fucking great."

After a long sequence of her passively vibing herself she gets on all fours and fingers herself to climax in about a minute, with Ed seductively encouraging her. Terri Hendrix, just 18, is up next. Cute and articulate, she enjoys watching herself in the monitor and really enjoys it when Ed eats her pussy. She looks a bit betrayed when he pulls his head away, but when he puts his dick in there all is forgiven, through several positions and a climax where they push each other to heights of vocalization and pleasure. Even after the scene is over, they keep playing with each other. This is a good thing.

Ed's scene-ending cum-in-the-condom-then-squeeze-it-out routine may take some getting used to. Two-camera shooting adds to the visual interest, as do the zoom-in-and-dissolve transitions between shots.

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