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Maximum Head

Maximum Head

Released Sep 01st, 1987
Running Time 75
Director Gerard Damiano
Company Essex Video
Cast Frank James, Buddy Love, Pat Manning, Robin Lee, Sharon Cain, Brittany Morgan (2002)
Critical Rating AA 1/2
Genre All-Sex



The legendary Gerard Damiano, working with a screenplay by Paul Damiano, tries his hand at an off-the-wall comedy—and a very heavy hand it is. This silly, completely strained secret-agent parody tries to be a female version of Get Smart, right down to the derivative music. And it succeeds at being just as idiotic as the worst episode of that TV spy farce. Sharon Cain, Brittany Morgan and Robin Lee are U.S. agents trying to get secrets from the Russians and other assorted baddies using a technique called Maximum Head. None of them are experts at its application, but they never stop trying. Brunette sexpot Robin Lee is by far the standout here—her two major scenes are the tape's highlights, and her wonderful habit of losing control of her bladder during intercourse makes for some very wet and pleasant surprises for the viewer and the viewed.

There's some stylish camera work, good lighting and music. Unfortunately, outside of Robin Lee, the cast hasn't got much to titillate us with. Sharon Cain in particular looks like she was past her prime during the Nixon era, which is when this story is supposed to be taking place, I think, since the girls have a secret phone conversation (they talk into their chests) with an awful Tricky Dick impersonator.

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