Released | Aug 01st, 2001 |
Running Time | 80 |
Director | Jess Franco |
Company | Shock-O-Rama Cinema |
Cast | Carlos Subterfuge, Michelle Bauer, Amber Newman, Analia Ivars, Others, Lina Romay |
Critical Rating | Not Yet Rated |
Genre | Alternative |
Jess Franco has directed hundreds of grade-Z exploitation and porn flicks, but it's only recently that he's gained a substantial following (largely due to the trendy Vampyros Lesbos soundtrack release of a few years back). The hype surrounding this elder statesman of Euro-schlock has happily allowed him to continue his inept ways into the new millennium. Here, Franco serves up his usual insomniac's cure: one part horror, one part sex, and two parts drug-induced "Huh?" Franco's aging wife Lina Romay plays the role of a female Doctor Frankenstein, while B-movie scream queen Michelle Bauer steals the show as the stitched-up lesbian "love monster." This is not as much fun as it should be, and despite the ravings of auteurist critics, it could have been made by most any hack with a camcorder. There's no disputing the atrociousness of this so-called movie, but don't hesitate to stock it. Franco's cult status will assure rental and sell-through success - and by now, his fans know better than to ask for their money back.