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Live From Bangkok; One Week In Bangkok

Live From Bangkok; One Week In Bangkok

Released Jul 01st, 1990
Running Time 80 (each)
Director Wolfgang Mahler
Company Gaschaftt Productions
Distribution Company Parliament Video
Critical Rating Not Yet Rated
Genre Specialty



Market with other foreign-type tapes.


Each of these tapes is essentially the same —only the performers and some of the scenery is different. In both videos, a hardcore travelogue of Bangkok, the capital of Thailand, is presented complete with peeks into the strip bars and interviews with girls of the night. It is emphasized that in Bangkok, sex is a business essential to the economy.

The layout of both tapes consists of showing the viewer an interesting scene or two of the city and maybe talking to some streetwalker. Then lackluster hardcore action is inserted. Produced in Germany, each tape features the same narrator —a woman who speaks broken English with a bad accent. Most of the girls are good looking, and these tapes are ideal for those so much into Orientals, they don't mind mundane sex.

What we have here are two tapes looking for a market. As adult travelogues, neither generates much sexual heat and neither will make the viewer want to visit the place. From what we understand, the most interesting footage was left on the editing room floor. Curiosity pieces, mostly.

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