Released | Sep 30th, 2004 |
Running Time | 123 |
Director | Ben English |
Cast | Ben English, Manuel Ferrara, Lanny Barby, Mandy Bright, Michelle B., Others, Krystal Summers, Bobbi Eden, Monica Sweetheart |
Critical Rating | AAA 1/2 |
Genre | Gonzo |
Ben English has accomplished his goal of creating a hardcore video with elegance. Unfortunately, although the visuals are lovely, the chemistry stops short of generating much in the way of sexual steam.
It's high quality, cookie-cutter porn, though, with each pretty thing being intelligently interviewed, then doing an appealing tease, and then getting plowed until it's time for their facials. Krystal Summers giggles a lot before smoldering for the camera. Lannie Barbie is gorgeous but chilly. A threeway, featuring English, Manuel Ferrara, Monica Sweetheart, and Michelle M., is worth watching, but is shot so that the double vaginal/double anal trumpeted on the box cover is obscured.
The video footage insert placed over the corner of the still gallery on the DVD is a nice idea, but regularly covers up the actual intercourse. A bonus scene from an upcoming release is included, as are 16 minutes worth of fun behind the scenes goofing off.