Released | Dec 31st, 2003 |
Running Time | 87 |
Director | Zora Banks |
Company | Hustler Video |
Cast | Trinity (I), Afrodite, Laura Blue, Edina, Linda (I), Nikki Blonde, Monika (I), Lisa Sparkle, Alina, Dana (I) |
Critical Rating | AAA |
Genre | All-Sex |
The quality of this Euro-lez series seems to be charting a course of inverse proportionality to the number of editions released. Of this one's five scenes, two are not bad, one's okay and the remaining duo are just plain stale.
Part of the problem is that host Zora Banks' talking-to-the-camera bit at the beginning of each scene is silly and often doesn't even make sense (e.g. in the second scene she looks into the camera and says, "I suggest we go out and wait," then walks out of the room, while the camera, obviously, stays behind. And never mind the glaring mystery of why a guy with a camera happens to be standing there ... which presumably is the case, since he grunts back at Banks a couple of times).
Moreover, though, these girls simply don't seem interested in the sex. Several of them are very pretty, especially in the first and last scenes, and that helps, but from Europeans, one expects hotter action than this. The one slightly innovative moment in the whole thing involves a little pussy-rubbing with the handle of a duster by two maids. But then, it's a duster. Should we be aroused? We don't know.