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Hot Girlz

Hot Girlz

Released Oct 31st, 2001
Running Time 91
Director Mark Anthony (I)
Company Odyssey Group Video
Cast Mark Anthony (I), Lacey (I), Destiny (I), Rebecca (I), Maria (I), Dee (I), Crave, MYA (I), Jamaica, Tony (I) (Hungarian)
Critical Rating AAA 1/2
Genre All-Sex



Play to your strengths. Right next to PickUp Lines. Or pitch to Mark Anthony fans.


The title may be Hot Girlz, but the playbook is from the cool-as-a-cucumber PickUp Lines, complete with the jazz music over and the elegant locations. Even shot a scene or two in that Rio hotel.

Director Mark Anthony manages to funk things up in a couple of scenes, doing intros while driving a car while getting his dick sucked by Destiny - their blowjob scene in a mostly-moving car is a highlight - and his scene in the car with Lacey and Dee has its moments as well. Rest is regular PUL fare. Good stuff, but if you're looking for ghetto funk instead of Duke Ellington cool, keep lookin', brother.

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