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Hot Body Hall of Fame: Christy Carrera

Hot Body Hall of Fame: Christy Carrera

Released Sep 30th, 1996
Running Time 55
Director John Cross
Company Chesapeake Productions
Cast Toni TEST, Gia (I), Bianca (I), Brittany Stone, Christy Carrera
Critical Rating Not Yet Rated
Genre Alternative



Pint-sized blonde Christy Carrera packs a mean, 55-gallon drum wallop on the video screen, and this paean to her beauty is as sock-in-the-mouth, collector-worthy as it gets.

Beginning with an oil-drenched, nude posing session by a pool (are there any other kind?), integrated with some clever self-promoting stock footage, the curvilinear Christy is enough to carry the tape all by herself.  Rest assured that's not the case since bonus montages include four other beauties in and out of clothing.  In and out-of-doors.

Granted, Miss Carrera and company cannot boast hall of fame hitting or consecutive game playing streaks.  Then, again, Cal Ripkin Jr. should look so good in front of a fireplace -- in a pair of black pumps.

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