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Horror in High Heels

Horror in High Heels

Released Jun 30th, 1998
Running Time 53
Director Jocko
Company Trampled Video
Cast Slave Boy Eddy, Contessa Jewels
Critical Rating AAA
Genre Specialty



Foot and shoe worhsip. Choking, kicking, the usual. A fun tape.


Contessa Jewels and beer gut Eddy banter like bright, sadistic grade school kids. Eddy is a clever back-talking submissive. he figures out ways to get more abuse until, of course, he can't take it any more. Lots of high heels gouged into his paunchy middle. Jewels sticks her foot into Eddy's mouth, asks what it tastes like. "My honest opinion? Smells okay." They're a cool team. Right up there with Burns and Allen.

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