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Homegrown Video Vol. 371

Homegrown Video Vol. 371

Released Jan 31st, 1992
Running Time 85
Company Homegrown Video
Critical Rating Not Yet Rated
Genre Pro-Am



What would you do if you were a maid and walked into a hotel room where there's seven naked guys sitting around a TV set?

You would (A) check the TV listings to see if the movie Seven Brides for Seven Brothers wasplaying.(B) Do a quick tally of your estimated tip and divide 15% by seven to see who's the cheapskate; (C) see if the room was registered under the name "Snow White"; (D) get on your knees and start sucking as if your life depended on it. The maid in this video chose D.

Wait, on second count I number only six guys. Forget what you read in the first two paragraphs even though they're uproariously funny.

Lydia and Brian finish up the tape with some couple's action.

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