Released | Mar 01st, 2006 |
Running Time | 61 |
Director | Stuart Canterbury |
Company | Peach DVD |
Distribution Company | Red Dragon Publishing |
Cast | Melissa (I), Mollie Green, Cindy Pucci, Jamie Lynn, Holly Foxxx, Frankie Dashwood, Brooke Fitzgerald, Kylie Wyote, Sydnee James |
Critical Rating | Not Yet Rated |
Genre | Alternative |
What might a squad of young girls do if they were stuck together in boot camp for a week undergoing rigorous body toning workouts? They would likely go skinny dipping in the pool at night. They'd play naked volleyball. Some of the girls would fondle each other after hours in their private quarters. They'd soap up their naked bodies in the showers. And the hot drill sergeant would have to satisfy herself in the bathtub.
Hard Body Boot Camp doesn't stick to the boot camp theme too religiously, however. These girls have plenty of time for naked R&R.
Retailing: For the softcore section.