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Handjob Winner

Handjob Winner

Released Jul 26th, 2009
Running Time 120 Min.
Director Uncredited
Company Immoral Productions
Distribution Company Pure Play Media
DVD Extra None
Cast Holly Wellin, Whitney Stevens, Dan Leal (aka Porno Dan), Katie Cummings, Johnny Thrust (I), Arianna Armani, Kenzi Marie, Tanner Mayes, Deanna Daniels, Rebbeca Linares, Scott Stone, Crash (III), Dirk Bender, Tom Dong (II)
Critical Rating AAA 1/2
Genre Pro-Am



Win a hand job from a porn chick!


As of this writing, the company website handjobwinner.com says absolutely nothing about an ongoing “contest” purported by this release, so its veracity is questionable ... but the dudes who get yanked (yankees?) look like amateurs who just won a licentious lottery ... so who knows?

Whether fake or real, the bottom line here is that (to all but devoted Pro-Am fetishists) on-screen tug jobs hold little appeal. The girls try hard not to look as bored, and Winner provides a smarmy host to paw 'em before they meet their mystery “dates.” The rest is obscure porn history. A very special AAA 1/2case indeed.

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