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Gutter Mouths 17

Gutter Mouths 17

Released Aug 31st, 2000
Running Time 90
Director Jim Powers
Company JM Productions
Cast Mirage, Dave Hardman, Alec Metro, Damien Michaels, Backey, Rod Fontana, Nikita Denise, Barrett Moore, Heather Lyn
Critical Rating AAA 1/2
Genre All-Sex



Fans (mostly males, probably) who wax wanton for girls who babble brazenly while they bone.


Each of the four scenes collected here is a winner, and each boasts solid anal action. Two of the four sport some very commendable d.p. debauchery, and the ear-blistering potty-mouthing which sets up Mirage's hell-fire threesome with Backey and Dave Hardman makes the most of this line's foul-mouthed fuck banter theme.

What makes this volume a hands-down standout is Eastern European anal queen Nikita Denise's deep Slavic purr wrapped around a symphony of monosyllabic grunts and growls which communicate brilliantly a keen Cossack ruttishness. She takes all Rod Fontana can throw her way and begs for more. Her enchanting deep, dark eyes and raven tresses complete the picture, and make this title a very formidable volume indeed.

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