Released | Jul 01st, 2001 |
Running Time | 66 |
Director | Dr Corynna Clarke |
Company | New Sex.Org |
Cast | Marta Lucia, Arte |
Critical Rating | Not Yet Rated |
Genre | Alternative |
This two-person instructional video introduces viewers to concepts and practices of Tantric sex (delaying orgasm, intensifying orgasm, spiritualizing sex by manipulating the chakras, the body's energy centers). There is no actual intercourse in the video, marked by long periods of two nude people breathing together in unison on a stage/altar in a garden. Jillian Speer's New Age songs praise the Goddess relentlessly. Bedecked in sarong and tropical flowers, Lucia talks slowly and meaningfully to Arte, guiding him up to the point where she is massaged and masturbated. The video is broken into sections with such titles as Yab Yum, Yoni Sattva and Integration (which appears to be post-coital cuddling as an expression of gratitude). What little actual information is presented appears to be accurate, but the delivery is self conscious and superficial. It's Tantra 101, so cloyingly sweet it will not attract viewers for its prurient interest.