Released | May 31st, 1988 |
Running Time | 86 |
Director | Richard Mailer |
Company | Intropics Video |
Cast | Peter North, Shauna McCullough, Alicia Monet, Nina Hartley, John Leslie, Robert Bullock |
Critical Rating | AAA |
Genre | Feature |
This can be a very enjoyable couples video and it can also be a quite frustrating one at times. The plot centers around the relationship between Alicia Monet and Robert Bullock who play a couple who though still in love feel something is missing after the four years of their passionate relationship. This is a good premise for the plot to concentrate upon as many viewers can surely identify with this situation. However, the feature sometimes rambles off into a series of hardcore action without any real emotion. It's those little unexplained juggernauts that can be annoying especially for a couples' video.
There's enough enjoyable viewing including the two-couple action featuring Nina Hartley who is always a pleasure to watch and a hot swimming pool sequence with Shauna McCullough. Bullock, Monet and McCullough all understand how to act and perform for the couples market. They usually come off tender, loving, gentle, caring, affectionate and passionate people, truly interested in pleasing their partner as opposed to simply wanting cum splashed all over one's face. Good production values.