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Even More Women Without Men

Even More Women Without Men

Released Jun 30th, 1990
Running Time 85
Company Vidway
Cast Megan Leigh, Ariel Knight, Aja (I), Siobhan Hunter, Krista Lane, Lois Ayres
Critical Rating Not Yet Rated
Genre Feature



From the mixmaster school of editing, some compilations belong to the, “hey, I missed it the first time around, here’s my chance to miss it again” category. Not necessarily the fault of the participants, either. Bad camera angles have a lot to do with it, too.

Thanks to the cram theory, some of the better elements of these girl-girl settees have been left on the cutting room floor. Highlights include the Aja/Siobhan Hunter scene and sparking candor like: “I’m so horny I thing I’m about to explode,” “you’re so horny I’m so wet.” I’m so not impressed. Sometimes these things are so unbelievably bad, we have to review one just to warn retailers.

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