Released | Apr 01st, 1998 |
Running Time | 76 |
Director | Lasse Braun |
Company | Gentleman\'S Video |
Cast | Carol Lynn, Meggy Lee, Diana DeMorice, Lissy Lou, Jil Morena, Gabi Peters, Jennifer Toth, Effi Dubois, Rally Van Kamp, Raffael Johnson |
Critical Rating | A |
Genre | All-Sex |
It's doubtful that credited director Lasse Braun can either be attributed to, or blamed for, the majority of this footage, since this tape is basically a re-cut collection of different scenes marketed as a feature. This is made more obvious by the fact that some scenes are film, and some are video; some have dubbed English, while others have dubbed German. Only one thing is consistent throughout this tape: boring sex and uninspired performers. If you want to sorely disappoint your Euro-fan customers, who expect foreign features to be packed with natural, nasty girls and lots of ass fucking, this is the tape to stock.