Released | Nov 01st, 1999 |
Running Time | 121 |
Director | Frank Thring |
Company | Gonzo |
Distribution Company | Metro Distributors |
Cast | Katja, Indko, Katy 2, Monika (I), Laura Red, Paola (I), Others, Deborah (I), Chaz (I), Dorothy, Carina, Yuliya, Nikki (I), Richard (I), Sophie (I), Robert (I), Stephany (I) |
Critical Rating | AAA 1/2 |
Genre | All-Sex |
One of the (very few) advantages to having your little corner of the world invaded, run-over, trod-through, pillaged, plundered and sacked by Romans, Dacians, Slavs, Alans, Visgoths, Ostrogoths, Huns, Byzantines, Bulgarians, Mongols, Vandals, Normans, Turks, Germans and Russians is that the DNA cocktail residing in the genes of those left to drag themselves into yet another Eastern European century are a veritable lottery of intoxicating body aesthetic possibilities. Several examples of what saunters forth when that particular lotto jackpots out are presented here with their cheeks spread, bungs stretched and mouths and pussies crammed full of local boy pecker.
Mixed-dominance light-eye, dark-hair combos. Sublime blondes. Vampiric raven-tressed brunettes with blood-red lips and alabaster skin. Statuesque Slavic maidens with their hair dyed dysfunctional drama queen shades of all the primary colors. Natural bodies. Old World libidos.
The sex here is generally of the straight-to-the-anus variety, which seems just fine with the girls. The caliber of the fucking and the general desirability of the girlies will have your customers meaningfully wondering just how far the good ol' American greenback actually goes in Prague/Budapest/Zagreb/Sofia these days.