Released | Dec 31st, 2000 |
Running Time | 88 |
Director | Ralph Parfait |
Company | Vivid Entertainment Group |
Cast | Sky Taylor, Andre Madness, Alec Metro, Tanya Danielle, Renee LaRue, Dale DaBone, Ryan Conner, Cheyenne Silver, Lee Stone |
Critical Rating | Not Yet Rated |
Genre | Film |
It's yet another normal, stressful, pointless day at the office; just like yesterday was, just like tomorrow will be. Suddenly, there's a power outage. And... are those air raid sirens blaring outside? Better check the radio - oh my God, the United States is being attacked by unknown forces and the world's about to end! You're about to die very soon with the same irritating schmucks you want to throw out the window on a daily basis! Not even enough time to go home and break open one last can of Fancy Feast for your cat. Guess it's better to die fucked than it is to die unfucked, and it works the best here as Renee LaRue gets it on with Alec Metro, while Taylor St. Claire and Lee Stone do their thing in an adjoining room. There's a really awful girl/girler between Cheyenne Silver and a big-titted blonde, but Silver, Andre Madness and a new brunette performer (whose character insists she's a 20-year-old virgin and just wants "to taste the pleasure") work it a little better in an anally-inclusive threeway.