Released | Dec 01st, 2006 |
Running Time | 87 |
Director | KLS |
Companies | Red Dragon Releasing, Peach DVD, Red Dragon Releasing,Peach Dvd |
Cast | Kelsey, Natasja Vermeer, Mollie Green, Ernesto Perdomo, Luke Anthony (I), Others, Kaya Redford, Marcus Deanda, Valerie Baber, Beverly Lynne |
Critical Rating | Not Yet Rated |
Genre | Alternative |
With a title like Emmanuelle vs. Dracula, one really hopes for some tacky fun horror nudie stuff. Instead, we just get boring, badly acted, horror nudie stuff.
Vampires invade a bachelorette party for Emmanuelle's (Natasja Vermeer) friend Lucy (Mollie Green). Vampires apparently cause lesbianism, ?cause the main effect of their presence seems to be a lot of softcore girl-on-girl action. They also can bring women to orgasm from the smoke that oozes out of their pants. And they cannot use contractions.
Emmanuelle suspects them of being up to no good, resists their evil power and attempts to save her friends from becoming vamps, which apparently means having really bad taste in makeup.
Emmanuelle doesn't get nekkid nor does Dracula (Marcus Deanda) show up until the last 10 minutes. She fucks him into submission and rescues her friends.
Long ago, Emmanuelle movies stopped having anything to do with Emmanuelle. But why even bother if this is where things have come.
Retailing: For collectors of Emmanuelle movies and softcore horror.