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Dragon Lady VI - Tales From The Bed V

Dragon Lady VI - Tales From The Bed V

Released Jan 31st, 1994
Running Time 86
Director Robert McCallum
Company Western Visuals
Critical Rating AAA
Genre Feature



This series with the peculiar names continues to chug along with its up-and-down swings of watchability. This time is comes up with a winner, albeit partly for the unintentional humor. The bed has landed once again in ron Jeremy's junk shop, where Lana Sands recognizes it as an old family heirloom. After trying the bed's erotic effects solo for a few moments, she pulls onlooker Steve Drake into a hot encounter where she rides his cock full circle before letting him cum on her ass.

But before Lana can come back and purchase the bed, it winds up in intends to use it to improve her husband's libido. After all, it worked for her when she was seduced by ron at the shop! Trouble is, neighbors Brittany O'Connell and David Hardman lie down on it first, and after lots of playing around (but no cumshot!), they're chased off by Sahara and hubby Rick Masters.

Cut to the next day, when Rick has moved the bed outside, and who should magically appear on the sheets but Lana, who gives Rick the ride of his life —made all the more interesting because the poor actress has to hold up the bed's headboard to keep if from collapsing while riding Rick's cock. At this point, some script pages were apparently lost, since the next scene has Brittany and Dave returning the "lost" bed to Lana, for which effort she shows them both a good time. Finally, the bed returns to Ron's junk shop, where he conjures up covergirl Kitty Yung to give Steve Drake a way-too-short roll in the sheets.

Decent videography and the intentional and unintentional humor combine with some hot sex to give this tape its rating. Retailers should stock it with the rest of the series.

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