Released | Jun 30th, 1989 |
Running Time | 78 |
Director | John Stagliano |
Company | Evil Angel |
Cast | Tom Byron, Keisha (I), Rene Morgan, Cheri Taylor, Brandy Alexandre, Randy Spears, Axel Horn, Tracey Adams, Sharon Kane, Jeremiah Logan |
Critical Rating | AAAA |
Genre | Feature |
German actor Axel Horn, who has a deutsch accent as thick as the invasion of Danzig, is mourning the passing of his wife who apparently bought the farm on a deadman's curve. (Maybe we should have had J. Frank Wilson's "Last Kiss" playing in the background). Anyway, Horn's thoughts are disrupted by an apparent apparition of a girl motoring down the same highway. He follows her and they have sex. She's thoughtful enough to leave a clue behind -- a flower, and Horn tries to track her down through a series of bum leads and cul de sac conversations.
A flower shop, a thrift store, a rock club, alleyways and rooftops. Horn is told by Randy Spears to check out a guy named Dean (Jan & Dean -- Deadman's Curve, are we getting allegorical or what). I'll warn you right now, Horn is a blip on the radar screen as an actor, but there are so many disarming scenes, sex and weird scenarios enveloping him that it's a moot call at best. Horn's quest almost takes on a spiritual significance to the extent that this feature might have been titled Moby Blond. (The mysterious girl's name, by the way is Rachel -- a symbol right out of Moby Dick. Man, we are on a head trip).
A beautifully written script and some of the best sex scenes I've seen in a while (take special note of the Tracey Adams/Horn duo at the beach house for how it's done). Evil Angel's had a string of sure fire winners, but this one's the best yet.