Released | Dec 01st, 1994 |
Running Time | 90 |
Director | Rodney Moore |
Company | N |
Distribution Company | a |
Cast | Breanna Malloy, Way Savage, Harletta, Rodney Moore, Kate Kayte, Sundae Brunch, Tess Newhart |
Critical Rating | AAAA 1/2 |
Genre | Gonzo |
Chalk up another winner for the Brothers Cumm. With it's good looking videography (an effective film look), humor, and great sex #5 is consistent with what we've corne to expect from this hit series. "These Nuts For Hire" picks up where "Getting Laid & Laid Off" ended — The guys are out of work and "hard up."
Offering them an "R" rated T.V. pilot ("The Gushing Gourmet") and a whole lot more is producer Sundae Brunch. This girl sure can pitch an idea. With no budget, the ol' barter system comes into play. She offers them her mouth, pussy and ass in trade. The shooting begins, with of course a naked camerawoman. Wolfs no Graham Kerr, but both he and Rod prove that they sure can cook. They nail Sundae (definitely no cherry left here), and introduce themselves to Kate Kayte. The usual head and fucking ensues with both girls getting it in the ass and with Sundae on the receiving end of a d.p..
Tess Armstrong is a homeless woman with an infliction or twitch who's befriended by the fellas. The vocal vagabond gives some great head and then has her cardboard box (and ass) worked over by the drilling-duo. Rodney lets loose with a Fu Manchu cumstache, and Wolf makes it a full beard.
Marietta stops by with a video camera and when she learns of the guy's unemployment problem suggests that "they make a movie for old times sake."Nothing out of the norm, just the usual well covered, fun sex.
Well, lo and behold, Breanna Malloy tells Rod and Wolf that there seems to be a mistake — the wrong videographers were fired and they have their jobs back. She offers them, the blonde, big titled, and very sexy J.R. (Hon, just a litde less playing to the camera and you'll be perfect) to get back to work with. It's business as usual as she delivers great head and takes it both mish and doggie from a hard driving Rodney. Wolf puts his two cents in with a nice anal romp. J.R. welcomes both of their loads and suck them dry.
Like the Steelers of the 70's or the Lakers of the 80's the Cumm Brothers (Rodney Moore and Wolf Savage) may be one of the greatest teams of all time. Sure, there ball's a little different, but they'll be remembered for the same things — Consistency, Scoring, and Winning! Stock heavily — Your customers will thank you.