Released | Sep 01st, 1989 |
Running Time | 97 |
Director | Luis Closa |
Company | MGM |
Distribution Company | UA Video |
Cast | Sherilyn Finn, Peter Nelson |
Critical Rating | Not Yet Rated |
Genre | Alternative |
A cup above the typical Roger Corman project being released on video these days, Crime Zone is a spicy futuristic thriller in the Blade Runner mold. Peter Nelson and Sherilyn Finn are cast as space-age Bonnie and Clydes, hoping to make a better life for themselves outside the oppressive, police-enforced city of Solei. A puffy, cigar-chompin' David Carradine plays the police captain who sides with the outlaw duo.
Along with some well-staged action scenes, what makes Crime Zone better than most in this genre is Finn, the feisty Madonna-lookalike who steamed up the screen in Two Moon Junction. Here she plays a prostitute who is quick to unclothe for the rebellious Nelson. Crime Zone will appeal to customers who like sci-fi flicks and got a kick out of Two Moon Junction's eroticism.