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Coral Honeymoon (Private Tropical 9)

Coral Honeymoon (Private Tropical 9)

Released Jun 30th, 2004
Running Time 87
Director Alessandro del Mar
Company Private U.S.A.
Cast Rita Neri, Francesco Malcom, Lucia Furino, Elena (I), Donna Marie, Miki Blu, Philippe Dean, George Uhl, Viktorie, Jennifer Dark
Critical Rating AAA
Genre All-Sex



The visuals are great, the unnecessary audio dub is not.


It's a great cover, the girls are fabulous and the sex seems to be very good - if one can get past the horrible and completely unnecessary audio dubbing. It's been asked before, and it'll be asked again: What is the point of dubbing the audio of a sex scene? Can English-speaking porn fans not stand to hear a girl moaning in a foreign tongue? Or is it just too inconvenient to record audio when shooting the scene?

Now, one might think that, since there are five audio tracks to choose from, one has to be the native tongue - and the actual audio, right? Nope. While some might be entertained hearing the difference in the voiceovers in the different languages ("Oui!," "¡Si!," "Yes!"), it's a short-lived curiosity and certainly no substitute for the real thing.

And this from a production that spends the time and money to include subtitles in six languages, none of which are English? It's a truly bizarre decision and all the more disappointing because there are some genuinely gorgeous girls and some hot sex that is well-shot. But the voiceovers are so off the mark that they distracting beyond the point of being able to enjoy the visuals.

Fans who don't mind such things shouldn't think twice about this one. Fans who do, steer clear.

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