Released | Mar 01st, 2000 |
Running Time | 90 |
Director | Nic Cramer |
Company | Pleasure Productions |
Cast | Kristen, Brian Surewood, Chris Cannon, Gia (I), Cheyenne Silver, Jessica Drake, Ian Daniels, Shanna McCullough, Mickey G. |
Critical Rating | Not Yet Rated |
Genre | Film |
Mickey G. is a writer who has recently discovered that anything he types on his little white laptop magically comes true. This sets up some potent —if not especially original— storyline possibilities around which to wrap sex. Never mind that these aren't taken up, and instead the viewer is subjected to lots of really bad dialogue; the sex is solid throughout this production and the girls are all gorgeous, and in the final analysis, that's what really counts.
Just how bad is the dialogue? A sample (lifted, inaccurately, from Romancing the Stone): The villain growls, "You can go out one of two ways —quick like the tongue of a snake or slow like molasses pourin' in (teeth gritted) January!!!"
A happy thing it is that this exchange is followed up by a very watchable tussle between Jessica Drake and Mickey. Similarly, another heart-breaking bit of banter ("Need anything else done around the house?" "Yeah. Me.") sets up a romp between Drake and Brian Surewood, which allows us to forgive and forget the indignities to which we have previously been subjected by this feature's script.