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Butts Motel III: Double Occupancy

Butts Motel III: Double Occupancy

Released Sep 01st, 1989
Running Time 80
Director Bobby Hollander
Company Executive Video
Cast Nina DePonca, Lynn LeMay, Eric Price, Marc Wallice, Cassie Nova, Bill Margold, Debi Diamond, Jamie Dean
Critical Rating AAA 1/2
Genre Feature




From an earlier film feature, Dracula Sucks, where he plays a loony bin attendant, Bill Margold arrives full circle and winds up back in the loony bin, this time as a patient. Margold takes over the Norman Butts role and plays Norman as a sexual wimp with a quivering Oedipus fixation towards his teddy bear (Mr. Stubbs). And thanks to the set designers, Norman even has a nicer motel to mulch his quackery out of.

Sure, guests register at Butts Motel for their rounds of sex with Norman peeking through the door crack. But this feature also has to be appreciated for the character study Margold presents, even to the howling subtlety of his pajama bottoms riding at a quarter mast revealing his ass crack – the pictorial anthem of slobs. You also have to appreciate Cassie Nova's role as his frenzied mother. With the dense makeup you hardly recognize her as the same wild woman who so far has made a career by taking it up the giggy from Ray Victory. Nova gets a chance to act in this one, and she's terrific.

The feature absolutely hinges on the double penetration scene featuring Marc Wallice and Debi Diamond as the funny farm white coats who come to take Norman away (after the three-way sandwich), thus setting up the forthcoming, Butts Or Nuts feature. Delightfully wacky, sexy, and the best entry in this series so far, with an interesting cover shot.

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