Released | Apr 30th, 2000 |
Running Time | 122 |
Director | John Stagliano |
Company | Evil Angel |
Cast | Others, Claire (I) |
Critical Rating | Not Yet Rated |
Genre | Alternative |
Nudes-a-Poppin' is like a stripper convention where shapely and frequently rebuilt young women strut their stuff for admiring crowds of testosterone-addled males, young and old. The precocious young ladies also lounge on air mattresses and beach towels, showing their pretty pink parts and smooth brown bungs to all and sundry. Where better for John Stagliano to ply his trade, committing mouth-watering heinies to high-end video? This is every stripper/porn fan's ultimate travelogue.
For frat boys, bankers, choir boys. Everyone, in other words, who likes ogling nekkid girls.