Released | Nov 01st, 2000 |
Running Time | 110 |
Director | Brandon Iron |
Company | Premiere Pictures |
Distribution Company | IMD |
Cast | Mirage, Aspen Brock, Amber Michaels, Dita, Renee LaRue, Mark Wood, Harley Raine, Mara Pleasures, Dayton Rains, Brandon Iron, Cuba, Justin Case, Grace, Dolly Golden |
Critical Rating | AAAA |
Genre | Gonzo |
Well, like Cole Porter said in The Gypsy, "You've gotta have a gimmick," and Brandon Iron's gimmick is his combination of travelogue and blowjob tape. Unlike the tricksters who will do an establishing shot and then fake the location, Iron actually pans from the sex directly to the view, or in one particularly intriguing shot, follows Mara Pleasures out of the public restroom where the scene just took place into the parking lot of the Rite-Aid drug store at Sunset and Fairfax. Other locations include the Topanga Outlook, the hills above the Hollywood Bowl, and North Hollywood just outside that studio on Chandler.
Of course, the greatest locations in the world won't make up for bad sex scenes. No problem there. The girls are all interested and often enthusiastic. Iron's likeability and charm are in evidence throughout, so even when he tries to dom a girl she shoots back "So you want to play that game, eh?"