Released | Feb 01st, 1992 |
Running Time | 90 |
Director | Jim Enright |
Company | Video Team |
Cast | Julian St. Jox, Dominique (I), Sikki Nixx, Sean Michaels, Charisma (I), Tom Chapman, Melanie Moore, Flame |
Critical Rating | AAA 1/2 |
Genre | Feature |
With Girls 'N The Hood last month ami now Black Jack City, there seems to be a move away from the traditional type of interracial video toward a more realistic and less idealized view of toner city life. There are two gangs In this change of pace show; The brotherhood, headed by an uncharacteristically foul-mouthed Sean Michaels and Sikki Nixx's white gang. With this performance, Sikki shows that he can be more than just another offbeat face In adult video.
Likewise, Dominique finally gets a chance to do some real emoting as the girl who wants no part of gang life. Even Melanie Moore who has been in lots of quickies lately has a meaty role as the real villain of the piece. There is enough story to lead naturally into each of the sex scenes and the standouts are Charisma with Julian St. Jox, plus the diminutive Flame generating lots of heat wlth Sikki. A fight scene, two killings, and believable dialogue are more plusses which should help make this show a big renter.